Friday, May 1, 2009

Why "C.C."??!!

Clamouring Cauldrons. (CC)
Simply absurd, simply me.

Awright, i agree it's not the classiest or wittiest name to have, but besides my love for alliterations, CC will be a reflection of the constant churning within that characterises the conundrum called emotional complexity - which is the differentiating factor between 'developed', multicellular homo sapiens and unicellular amoebae.
So all you smart, discerning readers who are tempted to pass this off as teenage angst - you are right. Since i am not a protozoa, i DO suffer from teenage angst, EVEN in my twenties.

And maybe, just maybe, when you feel low and your brain reverberates with the clanging and clamouring of a myriad cauldrons, and you ache for lost loves and yearn for lost ones; when you feel a pain for growing distances and falling bridges; when you see figures fading at the horizon as move on along the trajectory of life; when life seems bleak, and dark and lonesome - maybe then you'll understand 'why'.


  1. Lady, having witnessed all the complicated clamouring in the pretty little head, I can say, that the outcome is usually sheer brilliance. :*

    Keep it bubbling! And God, you really are an authority on alliterations! :D

  2. Dont let the clamourings deafen you towards the very things you are clamouring for.You only have to come out of your cauldron to realise that what you yearn for is always with you and within you.

  3. @Raj(A.D.)
    Your words have always been the best insulator - the only way out of the 'conundrum' of the 'clamouring cauldrons' :D
